Digital Labeling
With ekko digital labeling, information on smart labels is automatically updated, which enables flexible, paperless and error-free labeling, for example on flow racks.
Saving paper and sustainable processes
Faster inventory
Fewer manual errors
Whether for shelves or transport trolleys, information is automatically adjusted and dynamically displayed, which enables flexible and transparent management of material stocks and orders.
Easily adaptable to growing requirements
Real-time updates save time/costs for manual changes
ekko ePaper displays are long-lasting (5-10 years)
Seamless integration with various technologies
ekko Digital Labeling enables dynamic labels for shelves, trolleys and transport racks, with the smart labels automatically adapting to the current content of the compartments to provide clear and precise information at any time.
Download brochureDigital Shelf Labeling
Digital shelf labeling provides automatic, dynamic labels that adapt to the contents of the warehouse.
Digital Consignment Note
Digital delivery notes for trolleys and transport racks, which automatically adapt to the current content.
Fully Automated Material Transport
300 hours /year
Avoided search times
Sustainability by saving paper
Faster material transfer
Thanks to smart labels, the current status can be dynamically displayed, among other features. Our smart labels are available in various sizes and formats.
For Mobile Devices on the Shopfloor
The ekko linker is a shopfloor app that allows devices and data sets to be linked directly on the shop floor. With just two scans, workers can link smart labels to data sets. Simple, efficient and seamlessly integrated into the ekko platform — the ekko linker makes linking child's play.
The ekko linker was developed specifically for shopfloor workers to make daily tasks more efficient. With the app, devices and data sets can be easily connected through simple scanning, without additional effort or complex processes. In this way, the ekko linker actively supports the rapid and error-free allocation of information and noticeably relieves workers of their daily processes.
30 %
Faster processes on the shop floor
100 %
Active support for workers on the shop floor
• Wireless
• Low costs
• Easy to install
• User-oriented design
• Individual labeling of e-paper displays
• Easy scaling
Every 1.25 seconds, a cyclical query runs as to whether an LED should light up or not. Accordingly, it takes a maximum of 1.25 seconds until an LED lights up or goes out.
Every 20 seconds → In case of rarer changes, the displays switch to a kind of standby state, so that the gateway's response time is faster for more frequent changes.
Every 20 seconds → In case of rarer changes, the displays switch to a kind of standby state, so that the gateway's response time is faster for more frequent changes.
The data is currently being exchanged via a rest interface. In addition, we are currently testing a new tool that makes integrations around 50% easier and faster to implement.
We have various adapter solutions in our portfolio. These allow simple and cost-effective installation on various shelf shapes. The e-labels can then be “clicked in” anywhere.
Most customers achieve ROI in less than 24 months, and in some cases even less than 12 months.
Battery life depends on usage: With 1,000 picks per day, with LED use only, the battery lasts longer, while with 1,000 picks per day, including updating the label content, the battery life is correspondingly shorter.
Do you have any further questions?
Book a personal and non-binding consultation.
+49 2302 430870
Book a consultationTechnical options with ekko
Examples from our customers
Detailed ROI calculations