A new dimension of picking: wireless, digital and more efficient than ever before.
Time saved per day per worker
Increasing order capacities
Reducing manual errors
In contrast to other picking solutions, ekko is characterized by a high level of interoperability and independence from specific hardware.
Reduces installation and maintenance costs and increases flexibility
Increase mobility and efficiency
the employee
Allows multiple picking orders
at the same time
Increases sustainability in your company
ekko supports various technologies such as pick-by-light, put-to-light and multi-picking and is manufacturer-independent, so that various hardware such as scanners, smart displays and sensors can be used. Thanks to the high level of interoperability, ekko can be flexibly adapted to a wide range of requirements and individual picking processes in your company.
Download brochure6 years without any downtime
2 Mio. /year
Saved sheets of paper
17K /year
Potential deficiencies avoided
3 Mio. /year
Eliminates manual tasks
Thanks to smart labels, the current status can be dynamically displayed, among other features. Our smart labels are available in various sizes and formats.
For Mobile Devices on the Shopfloor
The ekko picker mobile app actively supports the worker on the shop floor by giving precise instructions for pick orders and, after confirmation, leading to the next order. It enables error-free processes for complex pick orders and is seamlessly connected to the ekko software platform.
The ekko picker app offers a flexible solution for implementing a wide variety of picking strategies. After the desired picking strategy has been configured in the ekko software platform, picking lists and orders are automatically transmitted to the app. This supports employees directly on the shop floor.
30 %
Faster picking
15 %
Fewer manual errors
• Wireless
• Low costs
• Easy to install
• User-oriented design
• Individual labeling of e-paper displays
• Easy scaling
Alle 1,25 Sek. läuft eine zyklische Abfrage, ob eine LED leuchten soll oder nicht. Dementsprechend dauert es max. 1,25 sec. bis eine LED leuchtet oder erlischt.
Alle 20 Sekunden → Bei selteneren Änderungen schalten die Displays in eine Art Stand-by-Zustand, so dass die Reaktionszeit des Gateways bei häufigeren Änderungen schneller ist.
Alle 20 Sekunden → Bei selteneren Änderungen schalten die Displays in eine Art Stand-by-Zustand, so dass die Reaktionszeit des Gateways bei häufigeren Änderungen schneller ist.
The data is currently being exchanged via a rest interface. In addition, we are currently testing a new tool that makes integrations around 50% easier and faster to implement.
We have various adapter solutions in our portfolio. These allow simple and cost-effective installation on various shelf shapes. The e-labels can then be “clicked in” anywhere.
Most customers achieve ROI in less than 24 months, and in some cases even less than 12 months.
Battery life depends on usage: With 1,000 picks per day, with LED use only, the battery lasts longer, while with 1,000 picks per day, including updating the label content, the battery life is correspondingly shorter.
Do you have any further questions?
Book a personal and non-binding consultation.
+49 2302 430870
Book a consultationTechnical options with ekko
Examples from our customers
Detailed ROI calculations