Process optimization with precise real-time location on the shopfloor.


ekko locationing enables precise real-time location of materials, assets and means of transport on the shop floor, thus ensuring optimal control and transparency of your processes.

ekko locationing makes it possible to monitor the exact location of materials throughout the production and logistics process. By using advanced technologies such as omlox and Wirepas MESH, ekko provides precise, up-to-date location data to optimize work processes.

12 hours

Reduced search times per day


Increasing productivity


Transparent processes

The Special Thing about
Locationing with ekko

Precise tracking of materials and objects in real time makes it possible to see where they are at any time. At the same time, defined movements or changes in position automatically trigger certain events.


Easily adaptable to growing requirements

Real Time Tracking

Accurate real-time tracking of assets and materials, which increases efficiency

Intelligent Data Analysis

Extracting valuable insights from location data

High Level of Interoperability

Seamless integration with various technologies

How does ekko Locationing Work?

Step 1

Setting up Geofence Zones

Mesh anchors cover a defined area to create virtual geofence zones. Material carriers are equipped with smart trackers that record their position in real time and monitor movements within geofence zones.

Step 2

Automated Event Triggering

As soon as a material carrier enters or leaves a geofence zone, defined actions are automatically triggered. These events can be individually adapted to your processes and flexibly configured.

Thanks to the omlox Standard, ekko Enables
a Variety of Locationing Use Cases

ekko uses the omlox standard to integrate various positioning technologies and provide seamless real-time localization solutions for the entire shop floor. Omlox is the first open standard for positioning technologies that combines various systems such as GPS, UWB and RFID in a common infrastructure.

logo omloxlogo flowcateLogo BornemannLogo Trumpflogo SICK
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Asset Tracking

With ekko Asset Tracking, assets can be located and monitored in real time.

Process Automation

With ekko process automation, certain actions can be triggered automatically when a material carrier enters or leaves a geofence zone.


ekko Navigation helps to shorten routes and find materials quickly.

logo zollner

Strategic Partnership for Shopfloor Digitization

Success Story: Zollner

500 hours /year

Avoided search times


Transparency about material and order flows


Increasing productivity through production planning

Our Smart Labels

Thanks to smart labels, the current status can be dynamically displayed, among other features. Our smart labels are available in various sizes and formats.

ekko smart picking label for pick by light and put to light

We Only Work with Proven Hardware

Smart Displays

Energy-saving, wireless, efficient and very easy to read

Logo Solumlogo PDILogo Speedypick

Proglove Handheld Scanner

We rely on proven hardware for absolutely smooth processes

Logo Proglove

Smart Trackers & Anchors

Reliability, accuracy, and seamless integration with existing systems.

logo bornemannlogo flowcatelogo omloxlogo Trumpf

Zebra Mobile Computer

Cross-device transition of picking and commissioning

Logo Zebra
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For Mobile Devices on the Shopfloor

The Finder App

The ekko finder mobile app makes it easier to search for materials on the shop floor by making smart labels shine in a targeted manner. After scanning an order, the worker is visually shown which material he needs and where it is located. This reduces search times and significantly simplifies the allocation of material.

smart devices for picking and ekanban processes in the industry 4.0 standard

Especially for Workers
on the Shopfloor

The ekko finder simplifies the search for materials on the shop floor through an intuitive, visual process. The worker starts by scanning the respective order or material requirement in the Finder app. The associated smart labels then automatically light up and clearly show where the required material is located. The worker can remove the material directly and complete the process by confirming it in the app.

70 %

Find material faster

100 %

Active support for workers on the shop floor

zebra device with picking app
ekko stream background

Questions and Answers

What is the difference to conventional pick-by-light providers?
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• Wireless
• Low costs
• Easy to install
• User-oriented design
• Individual labeling of e-paper displays
• Easy scaling

How fast do the LEDs on our ePaper displays react?
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Every 1.25 seconds, a cyclical query runs as to whether an LED should light up or not. Accordingly, it takes a maximum of 1.25 seconds until an LED lights up or goes out.

How quickly do the templates on our ePaper displays change?
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Every 20 seconds → In case of rarer changes, the displays switch to a kind of standby state, so that the gateway's response time is faster for more frequent changes.

Which colors are available on ePaper displays?
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Every 20 seconds → In case of rarer changes, the displays switch to a kind of standby state, so that the gateway's response time is faster for more frequent changes.

How does Pick-by-Light communicate with the WMS or ERP system?
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The data is currently being exchanged via a rest interface. In addition, we are currently testing a new tool that makes integrations around 50% easier and faster to implement.

How is our pick-by-light system attached to the shelf?
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We have various adapter solutions in our portfolio. These allow simple and cost-effective installation on various shelf shapes. The e-labels can then be “clicked in” anywhere.

What is the ROI of Pick-by-Light?
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Most customers achieve ROI in less than 24 months, and in some cases even less than 12 months.

How long does the battery of an ePaper display last?
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Battery life depends on usage: With 1,000 picks per day, with LED use only, the battery lasts longer, while with 1,000 picks per day, including updating the label content, the battery life is correspondingly shorter.

Do you have any further questions?

Book a personal and non-binding consultation.


+49 2302 430870

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